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Worldbuilding: From Small Towns to Entire Universes

Worldbuilding: From Small Towns to Entire Universes


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International bestseller Anderson has created many extensive fictional universes, ranging from sweeping galactic empires to complex steampunk fantasies, to humorous monster-filled cities.

He has become known for his skill in worldbuilding. In Worldbuilding: From Small Towns to Entire Universes he describes his techniques in creating a rich fictional setting, leading writers through the countless questions and topics one must consider. Whether it's geography, climate, politics, economics, society, religion, science, arts, or history, all of these ingredients form the basis for a believable setting for your story to unfold.

eBook ISBN: 978-1-61475-376-6 
Trade paperback: ISBN 978-1-61475-375-9 
100 pages

Author: Kevin J. Anderson

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