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The Wandering Warriors

The Wandering Warriors


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A Romp Through Time, Space, and Ancient Rome

Two award-winning writers take us on an alternate-history adventure—a 1940s barnstorming baseball team, led by retired baseball player and spy Moe Berg, is transported from rural Illinois to Ancient Rome, just after the death of Emperor Septimius Severus.

 The Romans—who actually played a game called “small ball”—put the captured team to work teaching baseball to the gladiators for a major Colosseum event…that turns into an over-the-top, life or death finale.

Baseball hijinks, a wild ride through Rome in a careening team bus, a hint of romance, and some viciously good hitting and fielding.

Will the Wandering Warriors make it home? Will the widowed empress escape the fate her evil son has in mind for her? Will the rattletrap team bus make it way through time and space (and Roman roads) back to Illinois?

Will Chicago White Sox owner Grace Comiskey show up to make an unlikely offer to the team’s best player?

“The tales are united in their whimsy and grit, making this a rousing series of adventures.”—Publishers Weekly

“An exciting and fun romp through time with relatable and interesting characters.”—Tangent Online

Available in audiobook format here! Narrated by Doug Greene.

eBook ISBN: 978-1-68057-123-3
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-68057-122-6
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-68057-124-0
220 pages

Author: Alan Smale  

Author: Rick Wilber

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