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The House on the Borderland

The House on the Borderland


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“A work that leads us to the very rim of the unknown.” –H.P. Lovecraft 

What does the edge of early 19th-century reality look like? Step into The House on the Borderland, where Hodgson's genius blurs reality and fiction at the crossroads of Victorian Gothic moodiness and new-age science. This newly refined edition, with insights from horror icon Jonathan Maberry, defines a genre.  

The story begins with the discovery of a manuscript amidst odd ruins. Within its damp pages is an unfathomable tale: A recluse and his dog confront shifting dimensions of spacetime and otherworldly horrors in their forsaken, remote house, exposing a ragged swath of the unknown that lurks just at the edge of reality. 

Hodgson, often named the “father of weird fiction,” inspired H.P. Lovecraft, of Cthulhu Mythos fame. Rediscover the novel that Lovecraft described as a profound influence. It’s a work that reshapes reality itself, a stormy night must-read for those seeking a blend of Stephen King's thrill and Lovecraft's depth.  

An oddly inspiring journey of weird science fiction awaits you. Rediscover a classic masterpiece that continues to mesmerize readers today. Open the door and approach the secrets within The House on the Borderland. 

It’s a timeless experience that will change you forever. 

Student editor: Heather Jones (Jenn Fir)

Foreword author Jonathan Maberry

eBook ISBN: 978-1-68057-651-1

Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-68057-652-8

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-68057-653-5

196 pages

Author: William Hope Hodgson

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