The Flavors of Other Worlds: 13 Science Fiction Tales from a Master Storyteller
The Flavors of Other Worlds: 13 Science Fiction Tales from a Master Storyteller
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Thirteen Science Fiction Tales from a Master Storyteller
From fighting giant bugs to defeating an interstellar empire without firing a shot; from scientific idiot savants toying with the universe to how the robots will really win the robot apocalypse, these thirteen flavorful tales are guaranteed to entertain, amuse, awe, and maybe even enlighten.
Includes the first appearance in print of the Icerigger novelette “Chilling” and a new novelette, “Valentin Sharffen and the Code of Doom.”
"Alan Dean Foster is the modern day Renaissance writer, as his abilities seem to have no genre boundaries.” from Bookbrowser (in re The Mocking Program)
“One of the most consistently inventive and fertile writers of science-fiction and fantasy.” The Times (London)
"Alan Dean Foster is a master of creating alien worlds for his protagonists to deal with.” from SFRevue (in re Sagramanda).
"Foster’s greatest strength remains his world building, easily creating evocative alien landscapes and populating them….” from Booklist (in re Strange Music)
“Amusing…intriguing…consistently entertaining.” from Locus (in re LOST AND FOUND)
“A winner for all ages.” from Publishers Weekly, (for LOST AND FOUND)
“Packed with action, intriguing human and alien characters, and a message of strength through diversity “ . Library Journal (for DROWNING WORLD)
“Surefire entertainment…the author’s mastery of his exotic setting cannot be denied”. Publishers Weekly (for DROWNING WORLD)
“Inventive and packed with flavorsome incident.” Kirkus Review (in re CARNIVORES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS)
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61475-959-1
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-61475-958-4
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-61475-986-7
186 pages
Author: Alan Dean Foster