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The Best of Penny Dread Tales

The Best of Penny Dread Tales


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Four years of Penny Dread Tales have revealed some fantastic talent. In this edition we’ve collected the cream of the crop.

Herein lies the very Best of Penny Dread Tales: sixteen stories of boiler-splitting steampunk with a blend of sci-fi, paranormal, western, and horror. These stories will take you on a thrilling ride and you will love every minute of it!

Including stories by: Cayleigh Hickey, Aaron Michael Ritchey, J.M. Franklin, Gerry Huntman, Laura Givens, Keith Good, Quincy J. Allen, David Boop, J.R. Boyett, Vivian Caethe, Aaron Spriggs, Peter J. Wacks, David W. Landrum, Sam Knight, Mike Cervantes, and Jonathan D. Beer.

Published on October 27, 2014
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61475-254-7
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-61475-253-0
260 pages

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