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The Aeronaut

The Aeronaut


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Action, espionage, and romance in an alternate version of World War I

At the beginning of the 20th Century, Europe is at war. Bloody trenches on the front lines form a new kind of hell that has never before been seen on the battlefield.

Computational machinery has allowed great technological leaps on both sides—and trench warfare is even deadlier for soldiers at the front.

Some men go to war to defend their homeland or to prove themselves. But Robert Preston flees America and joins the French Army to escape heartbreak.

He's placed in the 5th Aeronautic Corps, an elite unit that specializes in using high-tech jetpacks to leap over trenches and the No Man’s Land between them. It’s a dangerous job with a low survival rate, but Preston is determined to make a difference.

There, he meets a man he calls his best friend, and a woman he believes is the love of his life. But a top-secret mission behind enemy lines, and a heart full of jealousy, threatens to tear the three of them apart forever.

The Aeronaut was reissued on November 1, 2022.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-68057-395-4
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-68057-394-7
276 pages

Author: Bryan Young


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