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Strike Eagle

Strike Eagle


eBooks $3.99. Trade paperbacks $14.99. Hardcovers $24.99. Enjoy the best constant prices for WordFire Press books here. (Excludes applicable taxes & shipping fees. Prices may vary for specialty products.)

Air Force Two was missing.

When last contacted, Air Force Two, with the Vice-President of the United States aboard, was flying high over the Philippine jungle. On board was not only the Vice-President, but the “football” that gave him the power to initiate nuclear war.

For in Washington, D.C., the U.S. President lay dying. At the newly reconstituted Clark Air Base, the orders went out: Air Force Two, aloft or downed, had to be found. The Vice-President, alive or dead, had to be brought back.

The hunt was on. The race against time and the ultimate terror had begun . . . in an action-packed military thriller of supersonic suspense and explosive excitement.

eBook ISBN: 978-1-61475-135-9 

Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-61475-136-6

Author: Doug Beason

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