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Return to Honor

Return to Honor

eBooks $3.99. Trade paperbacks $14.99. Hardcovers $24.99. Enjoy the best constant prices for WordFire Press books here. (Excludes applicable taxes & shipping fees. Prices may vary for specialty products.)

Five thousand miles from the U.S., the president of the United States is facing death.

In one hour, an American force will strike back—with the most daring rescue
mission ever!

The RDF—Marine Corps Rapid Deployment Force—can strike anywhere in the
world in under an hour. Their secret weapon: the Trans-Atmospheric Vehicle flown at
15,000 miles per hour by the Air Force’s most elite pilots, carrying a deadly cargo of
highly trained marines. The technology is unproven. But its time has come.…

eBook ISBN: 978-1-61475-105-2

Author: Doug Beason 

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