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Rescue From Planet Pleasure

Rescue From Planet Pleasure


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Planet Pleasure. The one place in the galaxy you seriously want to avoid, but it’s the next stop for Felix Gomez, detective-vampire and undead enforcer.

His mission: rescue the bodacious vampiress, the hyper-sexual Carmen Arellano, from the clutches of ruthless warrior aliens. Her captors have doomed themselves by honing their military prowess at the expense of their libido, and Carmen is their last chance in regaining their mojo before they die out. Felix can’t waste any time because Phaedra, the ruthless bloodsucking ingénue--now with extra-superpowers—is making good on her threat to destroy the Araneum and take over the undead underworld.

Luckily, Felix is not alone in his quest to save Carmen and stop Phaedra. That redheaded whirlwind with a gun, Jolie, has got his back. Also lending a hand is everyone's favorite down-and-out trickster sage, Coyote, and he's brought along his Malinche...aka La Llorona! Here it comes, ground zero of a mega-ton story bristling with action, interstellar double-crosses, skin-walkers, Hopi magic, and trigger-happy goons. Exactly what you'd expect from Felix Gomez.

Available in audiobook format here! Narrated by Andre G Chapoy.

Published on January 26, 2016
 eBook ISBN: 978-1-61475-308-7 
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-61475-307-0 
380 pages

Author: Mario Acevedo


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