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Oval Office Oddities: Presidential Peculiarities, Foibles and Facts

Oval Office Oddities: Presidential Peculiarities, Foibles and Facts


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Every four years Americans go to the polls to elect a leader, someone serious, distinguished, respectable, with perfect sobriety and moral standing who will serve as a paragon for the rest of us.

But presidents and their families are people too—with quirks and character flaws like everyone else . . . and they have plenty of skeletons rattling around in their closets. Oval Office Oddities is a grand compendium of fascinating, sometimes embarrassing presidential facts, gaffes, and oddball behaviors—available in plenty of time for Election Day!

Mary Todd Lincoln had an endearing little clothing fetish . . . and once purchased 300 pairs of gloves in a single month!

No Commander in Chief bothered to visit neglected California until Rutherford B. Hayes did in 1880.

Crazy Jack: Many prominent leaders were absolutely convinced that John Adams was stark raving bonkers!

Oval Office Oddities is jam-packed with amusing anecdotes and offbeat information presented in a way that makes our nation’s history accessible, relevant, and entertaining.

eBook ISBN: 978-1-68057-118-9
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-68057-117-2
382 pages

Author: Bill Fawcett

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