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eBooks $3.99. Trade paperbacks $14.99. Hardcovers $24.99. Enjoy the best constant prices for WordFire Press books here. (Excludes applicable taxes & shipping fees. Prices may vary for specialty products.)

The popular comic hero stars in his first novel!

Nexus is the greatest avenger the galaxy has ever known. He has faced mass murderers and alien monsters.

But his power comes from an alien race with its own agenda. Is the mighty Nexus hero or pawn? Deliverer or destroyer?

Gourmando, the devourer of worlds, now has an appetite for Ylum, the home of Nexus.

How can one man, no matter how powerful, stop an entity that consumes whole planets?

Based on the bestselling comic book created by Mike Baron and Steve Rude, this is Nexus’s greatest adventure (for now, at least!).

eBook ISBN: 978-1-68057-230-8
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-68057-229-2
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-68057-231-5
354 pages
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021939989

Author: Mike Baron

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