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Joanna Crusader: Joanna Plantagenet 2

Joanna Crusader: Joanna Plantagenet 2


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An epic novel of the Crusades.

Joanna Plantagenet accompanies her brother Richard the Lionheart on the Third Crusade—the only woman to visit Saracen-held Jerusalem. When she returns to France, Joanna learns that her renowned brother has been captured and held hostage, and with Richard’s wife Berengaria, she most work for his release. And when Joanna marries for love—a rarity at the time—things go badly wrong when she finds that someone is trying to have her killed…

This is the conclusion to the grand story of a remarkable heroine from history.

eBook ISBN: 978-1-61475-518-0
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-61475-517-3
369 pages

Author: Hilary Benford

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