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eBooks $3.99. Trade paperbacks $14.99. Hardcovers $24.99. Enjoy the best constant prices for WordFire Press books here. (Excludes applicable taxes & shipping fees. Prices may vary for specialty products.)

A parallel-universe psychological thriller where one madman warrior, the Jaguar, crosses the barrier between worlds to control his victims through dreams, including dreams that kill.

Two children learn to travel the dreamways to stop him, or to die trying.

In waking life, he is a combat vet with a mysterious sleep disorder, confined to a VA hospital bed. When he sleeps, he roams the plains of another world, invading the minds of the people as they dream and forcing them to do his will. They call him . . . Jaguar.

In both worlds, there are those who know the Jaguar’s secret. They are learning to link their minds across the void between worlds, following the dreampaths the Jaguar created—all the way back to where his body lies helpless . . . an easy target for their justice.

eBook ISBN: 978-161475-223-3 
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-61475-596-8
318 pages

Author: Bill Ransom

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