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This is Frank Herbert’s never-before published dystopian novel, written between his classics The Dragon in the Sea and Dune.

EMASI! Each Man A Separate Individual! That is the rallying cry of the Seps engaged in a class war against the upper tiers of a society driven entirely by opinion polls. Those who score high, the High-Opps, are given plush apartments, comfortable jobs, every possible convenience. But those who happen to be low-opped, live crowded in Warrens, facing harsh lives and brutal conditions. Daniel Movius, Ex-Senior Liaitor, rides high in the opinion polls until he loses everything, brushed aside by a very powerful man. Low-opped and abandoned, Movius finds himself fighting for survival in the city’s underworld. There, the opinion of the masses is clear: It is time for a revolution against the corrupt super-privileged. And every revolution needs a leader.

eBook ISBN: 978-1-61475-037-6
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-61475-038-3
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-68057-444-9
200 pages

Author: Frank Herbert

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