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Edge of Extinction: Fields of Long Forgotten Battles 3

Edge of Extinction: Fields of Long Forgotten Battles 3


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When the ruthless aliens attack the outer reaches of the Federation, Humankind is forced to retreat haphazardly from dozens of conquered systems.

The only chance to delay the advance of the enemy is to create hundreds of fake colonies. If that doesn’t work, the Fleet will be forced to face the ma’lahn in a series of open battles, which can lead to its annihilation.

Politicians, however, do not care about the consequences. Their goal is to preserve power, even at the cost of billions of lives. The headquarters of the third metasector must meet the requirements of the Council on the one hand, and prevent the destruction of the only force that is able to defend Humankind on the other.

But this war has another—human and personal—dimension: Major Darski must fight to save the colonists that he left on Ulietta….

Edge of Extinction is book three in The Fields of Long-Forgotten Battles series.

Edge of Extinction was released on May 4, 2023.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-68057-429-6
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-68057-431-9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2022951420
420 pages

Author: Robert J. Szmidt

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