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Echo One: Tales from the Secret World Chronicles

Echo One: Tales from the Secret World Chronicles


eBooks $3.99. Trade paperbacks $14.99. Hardcovers $24.99. Enjoy the best constant prices for WordFire Press books here. (Excludes applicable taxes & shipping fees. Prices may vary for specialty products.)

Something slipped from outer space into the Atlantic Ocean in the late 1930s.  The aliens triggered the rise of the metahumans—Allies and Nazis.  Then they sat back to watch.

This collection contains stories of that time, as metahumans enter and change the Second World War forever. From the streets of Paris to the beach at Dunkirk, from the Battle of Britain to the Atlantic Deeps, metahumans meet and clash, while all around them rage the battles of ordinary men and women.

These 16 stories are woven in and around The Secret World Chronicles, the five-book mega-series written by Mercedes Lackey, Dennis K. Lee, Cody Martin, Veronica Giguere, and Steve Libby.

"With [Mercedes Lackey], suspense never lags..."—Kliatt

"Comes together seamlessly. . .an awesome and lightning-paced story: read it on a day when you will not have to put it down."—San Francisco Book Review

"The project feels like a throwback to the glorious days of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, when creativity was king, and having inspired ideas was more important than how famous you were."—SF Site, Nathan Brazil

"Series readers will be pleased with this return to the Secret World."—Publishers Weekly
Available in audiobook format here! Narrated by Veronica Giguere.

eBook ISBN: 978-1-68057-073-1
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-68057-072-4
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-68057-074-8
318 pages
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