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Doctor Alien: Three Tales by Rajnar Vajra

Doctor Alien: Three Tales by Rajnar Vajra


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Pure science fiction fun mixed with sense-of-wonder!

Not terribly far in the future, a highly sophisticated alien species, the Tsf, have set up trading posts on Earth. Naturally, humans want to please them in hopes that the Tsf will share their ultra-advanced technology. And an opportunity arises to do just that.

The Tsf have rescued three aliens of different, unfamiliar species on three damaged spaceships. But something psychological appears to be seriously wrong with all three.

When their specialists fail to help these space-shipwrecked beings, the Tsf turn to humans for help.

Dr. Alanso J. Morganson, well-respected psychiatrist, is drafted to travel to a Tsf space station orbiting Earth, where he can examine these three strange, troubled beings and determine what their problems are. And he must propose a treatment plan.

Dr. Morganson knows the task is impossible, and perhaps no one in human history has been so far out of their depth.

But humanity is counting on him. To avoid drowning, “Dr. Alien” had best grab a buoy or grow tall enough to find solid land under his feet.

Each Dr. Alien tale builds on the last, culminating with a unique vista on a truly cosmic scale, as well as possibilities for astonishing developments to come.

"Fans of old school SFF will enjoy these clever and entertaining adventures."—Publishers Weekly

Doctor Alien was released on April 12, 2022
eBook ISBN: 978-1-68057-268-1
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-68057-267-4
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-68057-269-8
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021951070

220 pages

Author Rajnar Vajra

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