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Buza System is Dyan’s world.

She has been a Crecheling, one of the System’s children, trained in a broad range of skills and knowledge and prepared to take her place as an Urbane, a full-fledged adult member of the desert community with a Calling given her by the System and its Cogitant Council.

Between receiving her Calling and admission into the System, though, stand the Hanging and the Selection. The System has a lesson it wants to teach Dyan about death. Against that brutal experience, and entwined within it, destiny has a different lesson for her, about the family she has never known… and about love.

Crecheling is book one of The Buza System, a dark science fiction tale for young adults and other readers set in the crumbling ruins and blasted deserts of a future in which all people are not created equal and control is exerted by savage rituals of blood.

Available in audiobook format here! Narrated by Maria Truini. 

eBook ISBN 978-1-61475-304-9
Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-61475-303-2
215 Pages

Author: D.J. Butler


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