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Brother Blood Sister Death

Brother Blood Sister Death


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Twin Vampires. Different motives to kill.

Hybrid vampires Daniel and Diana feel technology’s cold, uncountable tendrils hunting them. Daniel scientifically satisfies his needs. Diana, his twin sister, hunts in the old-school way, leaving patches of greasy, scorched earth or mutilated bodies for her brother to take care of.

Daniel created Matrix, a face pack for beauty shops, which pulls blood through skin, leaves blissful clients, kills and alerts no one. Daniel cultivates his human side; Diana mocks him. Impatient, she hunts out of spite as much as need.

Admitting to himself that his twin sister will get him killed, Daniel knows that life’s hardest decision is at hand.

"A novel of vampire seduction, murder, intrigue, and blood. Accomplished poet and novelist Bill Ransom uses humor in especially delicious ways."—Brian Herbert, New York Times bestselling coauthor of Dune: House Atreides

 "Brother Blood Sister Death is a classic vampire novel rife with secrets...but it's no secret that I loved it! Complicated relationships and unexpected twists and turns mix with good old-fashioned vampire violence for a great read. More Bill Ransom!"—Nancy Holder, New York Times bestselling coauthor of The Wicked Saga.

eBook ISBN 978-1-68057-017-5
Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-68057-019-9
Hardcover ISBN 978-1-68057-016-8
176 pages

Author: Bill Ransom

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