L. Deni Colter

Liz has followed her heart through a wide variety of experiences, including farming with a team of draft horses, and working as a field paramedic, Outward Bound instructor, athletic trainer, and a roller-skating waitress, among other curious career choices. She also knows more about concrete than you might suspect. She is a 2014 winner of the international Writers of the Future contest, and her multiple short story publications in magazines and anthologies have spanned a wide range of science fiction and fantasy sub-genres. Her novels written under the name L. D. Colter explore contemporary fantasy and dark/weird/magical realism, and ones written as L. Deni Colter venture into the epic fantasy realms she grew up reading and loving. She lives in a beautiful area of the Rocky Mountains and spends her time with her husband, dogs, horses, and writing (not always in that order of priority according to her husband). Her website can be found at http://lizcolter.com/

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