Dragon Writers: An Anthology

Dragon Writers: An Anthology

Dragons are creatures of legend. Of magic. Of wisdom, nature, and the power of creation. They have been in every culture and mythology since the beginning of time.
Writers are creatures of legend. With magic, wisdom, and the power of creation at their fingertips. They, too, are in every culture and have been creating their own mythologies since the beginning of time.

Within each writer is the power of a dragon. . . . The power of creation.
Gathered together are twenty-six stories from writers who dared to tame this power, including New York Times best-selling authors Brandon Sanderson, Jody Lynn Nye, Todd McCaffrey, and David Farland. Through fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and poetry, this anthology celebrates the magic and majesty of dragons, writers, and creativity.
Within these pages, you’ll find dragons who fly through space, who raise hatchlings, who carry the power of life and death. Some dragons are even featured as swords, planes, and origami creatures.

Dragon Writers is a special collection where magic and myth combine to create something legendary.

All profits benefit the Don Hodge Memorial Scholarship fund for the Superstars Writing Seminar.

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About the Book
About the Author
A.J. Mayall

By day, A.J. Mayall works in the indie publishing field and has quality checked nearly half a million manuscripts. He lives in California with his husband and his best friend.

An avid gamer, AJ got his writing start in the gaming industry, with a focus on community events and content.

As an LGBT author on the autism spectrum, he feels it is his duty to write diversity into his works, to ensure that readers have new and varied worlds to enjoy.

The rumors that he is a menagerie of hive-minded sentient spiders wearing a human suit are sheer fallacy and should be ignored.

Click here for a high resolution photo of the author.
